Indeed, DeGeneres ended each episode of her show by imploring her fans to “be kind to one another.”īut the TV queen came under scrutiny back in March 2020, when comedian Kevin T. Porter posted on Twitter, asking followers to share “the most insane stories you’ve heard about Ellen being mean.” DeGeneres is seen during the first season of her talk show back in 2003, with guest Jennifer Aniston, who was still starring on “Friends” at the time. months later, “The Ellen Show” was accused of being a “toxic” place to work in a bombshell BuzzFeed article that featured interviews with 11 former staffers.ĭeGeneres subsequently offered an on-air apology, saying she was not aware of the alleged problems plaguing her production. However, the widespread reports were followed by a significant dip in sponsors and ratings, with the star announcing in May 2021 that she would be ending the series. DeGeneres announced nearly a year ago that the 19th season of the show would be her last. She insisted that her decision had nothing to do with behind-the-scenes controversy.ĭeGeneres told The Hollywood Reporter that her decision had nothing to do with behind-the-scenes controversy.